Supplements can be a beneficial part of any nutrition or training plan. They contribute a significantly smaller percentage of benefit compared to the actual workouts or your diet but they can help maybe that extra 1-5%. The most beneficial supplements are ones that are actually supplementing your diet. Vitamin D for example is a common deficiency that most people should be supplementing with.
It can be fun to see what professionals are using for supplements so here’s what I take to get an idea. I wouldn’t recommend anyone follow my supplement regime because me and my doctor have tailored it for my needs.
Morning Supplements:
Multi Vitamin
P5P (activated Vitamin B6) 100 mg
Helps reduce Prolactin levels
Vitamin C 1000-5000 mg
I take more if I’ve been around people who are sick or are feeling sick and less on a normal day
DHEA 50 mg (twice a week)
Creatine 10 grams
Glutamine 5 grams
Training Supplements:
L-Tyrosine 1000-3000 mg
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate 2000 mg
Increases Androgen Receptor Density and Lipid Mobilization
1000 mg sodium from iodized salt
L-Citrulline 10 grams
Glycerol (5-10 grams only for hard/long workouts)
Midday Supplements:
Vitamin D3 8000 iu
Vitamin K2 100 mcg
Iron Gummy 9 mg
Glucosamine/MSM 1500 mg each
Helps reduce arthritis risk
Berberine 500 mg
Helps regulate blood sugar and improve cholesterol
Psyllium Husk 2 tsp
1 Tbsp Liquid Fish Oil if not eating fatty fish that day (2400 mg EPA, 1500 mg DHA)
Evening Supplements:
Niacin 1000 mg
Improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Magnesium Glycinate 210 mg
Helps with sleep quality
Zinc Picolinate 50 mg
Taurine 1000 mg
Helps with relaxation
Pregnanolone 50 mg (twice a week)
Low-Dose Aspirin